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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to Houston Saturday

Hey! This is Steph! I am going back to Houston Saturday to stay with Erin, and Mike will be coming home. I have really loved being able to spend time at home with Casey. I miss her sooooo much when I'm in Houston. I've been working for the last two weeks, and I will miss everyone at work too. Going to church with the CBC crew has been great, and it has been great to worship in a small church again. Casey has celebrated her 16th birthday, and Erin has celebrated her 14th. Thanks to everyone for all of the birthday wishes! Casey will be in Amanda Mills & Hunt Blackledge's wedding Saturday. Other than Amanda, Casey will be the most beautiful girl there. Erin is still hanging out waiting for a pair of lungs. Her 02 stats have been dropping lately at pt, and she is back on IV meds; her lung function is 15 (so a little change but not much). Please continue praying for Erin & our family. We continue to thank all of you for your continued prayer, encouragement, & support. God has been so AWESOME to us by continually blessing our lives!


  1. Hey Erin and Steph, Hang in there! I know it's frustrating waiting for "the call", but it will happen. Just take it one day at a time.Erin, I know pt is hard, but you will be stronger going into surgery and it will help you recover faster without being too weak. Just do the best you can and don't focus on the ones who have had their tx, it will only frustrate you more. Concentrate on breathing and exercising as much as your able too. I'm praying for you both and your family. I'm praying your call comes soon. It's your turn!

  2. Steph, Have you thought about transfering to Duke in North Carolina? I know it is a long way from home, but I waited 13 days from the day I was listed to be transplanted. I have a friend in rehab that got listed one day and got called and was transplanted the next day! It happens fast at Duke. It may be insurance issues that may prevent you from transferring and I understand that all to well, but here at Duke they do A LOT of lung transplants. From CF to Pulmonary Hypertension. I debated on Houston, but I am so glad I chose Duke. I have been pleased with everyone I've come in contact with. It's just a thought. I was pretty sick when I got my tx with an FEVI of 17 and I was on 15 liters of O2. I pray Erin doesn't have to wait much longer. I'm praying for you. Please email me if you have questions at Love to all of you!

  3. Good Morning Stephanie and Erin,
    I just want to tell you that you and your family are such a blessing to me. I love the way that you continue to walk with the Lord in this time of waiting. Just know that your lives touch so many lives. It was good to see you at church,Stephanie, and I pray that it won't be too long until all of you can be back with us. Hunt Blackledge is my nephew, so I was at his wedding. You are right. Casey was very pretty. The Lord bless you both today.
    Love, Deidra Lowery

  4. I am continuing to think about y'all often. Enjoyed talking to Erin for a good while last week on her birthday, and am glad you were able to go home for a bit, Stephanie. Miss you guys and will call again soon!

  5. Good morning Stephanie and Erin, My son found Erin 's blog and we wanted to tell you that we, too, are here in Houston waiting for a double lung / liver transplant due to end stage cystic fibrosis. Our home is Plano (north of Dallas) and we are currently in an apartment near Methodist Hospital. My email is if you'd like to contact me. Blessings, Jeanette (mom)
